Win a John Adams Halloween Bundle

The prize: Halloween Bundle – Gross Science Eyeball Dissection, Gross Science Beating Heart, Gross Science, Thinking Time, VIRUS! The Card Game

Gross Science is the totally ghastly kit that will take kids on a voyage of discovery of just how disgusting the human body can be!  This kit comes complete with the tools to perform 12 horrid, yucky activities that will teach them about topics such as how farts brew, why scabs and boils form and how to make a life-size bouncy eyeball! 

Jeepers Peepers!  Wannabe optomitrists will love this Eyeball Dissection Kit!  Start by growing your iris, then use the moulds and special liquids to shape and build the other parts of the eye.  To complete your eye, drop it into the eyeball formation liquid to create a skin over the gooey exterior!  Finally, using the child-safe scalpel and tweezers, perform your eye ball dissection and be the perfect pupil!

Want to freak out a friend?  Try the Beating Heart Kit – frights guaranteed!  It’s easy to set up – construct the two halves of the heart, attaching the pump tubes as you go.  Then fill the heart up with fake blood, and mould a gooey outer cover for your heart to make it look authentically gross.  To finish, place the heart into the donor organ box included and invite a friend or family member to open it while you make it pump! Perfect for giving friends or siblings a shock!

Get your brain in gear with Thinking Time!  This brainy kit allows curious minds to create a gruesome brain clock powered by chemistry!  Connect the wires, add the electrodes and see your clock spring into life!

VIRUS! is a fast-paced card game for 2 to 6 players. Be the first to place 4 different healthy organs on the table to win! Alarms go off at Tranjis memorial hospital. Strains of experimental viruses have been released from their storage containers and only you can stop them! Your mission is to face the pandemic head on. Use any means necessary, ethical or not, to immunise your body while trying to stop your opponents from infecting, destroying or stealing your organs.

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